Monday, April 24, 2023

Students in geology using 3-D models of Icelandic volcanos in the classroom.


We had students make different kinds of volcanoes in Iceland and they made a 3D model of the volcanoes and the surroundings.  Then we had another group of students studying  the models.  

The models are of different types of volcanoes who are created in a different volcanic eruption.


By using the model, the students can visualize each type of volcano better and understand better the formation process. 

They also had to find what kind of volcano they had and find as many they could that was the same type.

Open house in Menntaskólinn í Reykjavík


It is a tradition in our school to have an open house for expecting students and their parents. A lot of people visit, both students from elementary school that are thinking of joining our school, students that have graduated from our school but like to come for a visit and people in the local community that want to see the work we are doing here at our school. ~

Many people are curious about our school since we get a lot of attention from the public when our students are in news, in example when the Olympiad teams representing Iceland are mostly our students and we have just won a competion that was televised. Also a lot of people have ties here and want to see where their grandparents or greatgrandparents went to school. 

We used the opportunity to introduce our  project  DIGI.R.E.DI. L “Digital Readiness for European Distance Learning”  KA226 Erasmus+ project 020-1-EL01-KA226-SCH-094685.  We showed our newsletters that have been published and our 3D prints of the volcanoes. We had over 900 people visiting us that day and everyone showed a lot of interest in the project. 

Teaching students to use Chat GPT - ICELAND


Students got the assignment to answer questions related to the geology curriculum. They could use the textbook and other books from the library. After they had done this they used Chat GPT and got answers from the same questions. Then they had to compare the answers and see if Chat GPT made up new words, if the AI was as good in geology as the students.

The result was that the students could not rely entirely on Chat GPT,  sometimes the Chat GPT had wrong answers and there were a lot of strange words that we do not use in the Icelandic language so if they are going to use this program the have to have some knowledge of geology so they can see if the answer makes any sense.

The words in yellow are words we do not use in Iceland

This is an example of an incorrect answer. The question was how do a certain type of coals form and the answers describes a process that happens in volcanic settings and have nothing to do with formation of coals. 

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Dissemination acitivities from Serbian partners

Serbian regional media host DIGI.RE.DI.L  report about activities taken place during our LTTA in Lisbon. 

Using Jamboard in GO! classes

Jamboard is a digital interactive whiteboard developed by Google to work with Google Workspace. This educational tool is used in the OK! classes so that the pupils can see at what level they will be working and whether they have completed their weekly plans for different subjects. 

Based on what the students have of prior knowledge about the themes that will be offered in the various subjects in the coming week, they learn to estimate themselves as Egg, Turtle or Ninja (different levels) together with the teachers. Each level has an entrance ticket for a series of assignments. The Jamboard of the first grade OK! classes works with color codes that indicate whether or not the student has completed the weekly plans for the subjects.

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