Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Inschool teacher's training in Tinkercad and Tello - dji

In February 8th 2023, a trainning workshop was held in our school. Teachers were trained in Tinkercad and 3d printing (1st session) as well as in drones' programming (2nd session). This seminar was realized in terms of in school dissemination for our Erasmus+ KA226 project DIGIREDIL. All participants were very pleased and satisfied to aquire new knowlegde that could adjust to their subjects.

Short description: 

In the fisrt session the participants were trainned in the designing program TINKERCAD and then they individualy completed a task in it. In the meantime a 3d printed object was created in our 3d printer.

During the 2nd session the Greek and European frame of use for drones was presented. Moreover uses of drones were presented in different scientific fields. After the theoritical part the participants flew manually in the first part and by programming in the second part our school's educational drones Tello dji .

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Arduino workshop in Greece

 During the hosting week in our school ,a workshop was held in the school's laboratory, where the teachers worked in groups to build and program a simple Arduino circuit that simulated the operation of a traffic light. The teaching material was posted on the official Greek school platform “e-class”. After a brief introductory presentation the participants built the circuit using the Tinkercad software,which can also be used in distance learning, and then using the appropriate commands they programmed the circuit. Then they were given a working sheet with instructions and a box containing all the necessary components. Working in mixed nationality groups they built the actual circuit and loaded the program they had already created with Tinkercad.

Short video 

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