Friday, September 8, 2023

Portugal - Training teachers to use artificial inteligence in their classes


During two days teachers from corporate schools from ENSINUS have learned how to use Chat GPT and artificial inteligence in their classes. This training happened in September 5th and 6th and was a boost of participants' digital skills and a new approach to their classroom practice.

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Friday, August 25, 2023

Project Newsletters

 Here you can have a look at all project Newsletters produced to disseminate and sustain our project.

All Newsletters

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Tutorials produced

 Here you can find most of the tutorials produced during our project about 3D designing,Arduino,VR glasses,Lego,Tello app etc.


Monday, July 31, 2023

New twinspace for our project


After all the troubles during the migration process to the new eTwinning platform, we were able to create a new twinspace for the project and upload all the activities we have done throughout the project. The founders were the coordinators from Iceland and Portugal which were set as to share etwinning responsibility.

Thursday, June 29, 2023

TPM in Belgium

 On June 23 and 24, 2023, the final meeting for the "Digital Readiness for European Distance Learning" Project was held in Brackel, Belgium, with the presence of representatives of all partners. Our school, as coordinator, participated with three teachers. The meeting included discussions-workshops on the final products and the final evaluation of the project as well as study visits to the Regional Education Administration of the complex to which the corporate School from Belgium belongs, as well as to the seat of the European Parliament in Brussels.

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

LTTA Portugal for KA226 Digital readiness for distance learning

Participants for GO! Atheneum Brakel : Katrien De Schepper, Christelle Soil, Katty De Vos, Lieselot Herremans, Carla De Pessemier en Jolien Verliefde.

Host school : INETE Lissabon, Travessa da Escola Araújo nº15, Lisboa

The entire group with a representation of 28 participants worked together in INETE school in Lisbon during this training week. We were warmly welcomed in our host school from March 6 to March 10 for even more collaboration and initiatives in digital education.

On Monday, March 6, we became acquainted with the Portuguese education system and how this school has taken care of its students during COVID, and what digital resources they have used for this.

Moodle was, among other things, the platform with which teachers gave their students digital assignments. The operation of this free platform was explained in detail and a number of assignments were ready for the group to experience how this platform works.

During subsequent workshops, under the supervision of the electromechanics students and Mr. Nirav and Jorge, we made a design of the undercarriage for a car using the Autocad program, followed by Fusion 360. Both enthusiastic teachers also demonstrated how to print different parts with 3D printer.

They also gave a demonstration with the laser and cutter.

The next day the workshops “digital tools for teaching” were on the program. Patricia and Cheila, two very dynamic Portuguese teachers, demonstrated all kinds of digital tools that can be used during the lessons: Wordwall, Animaker, Fakebook, Duolingo,Edpuzzle, ChatGPT and many other examples.

During the cultural program in Lisbon we visited Obidos, a very famous colorful fortress village with numerous alleys with small white houses painted with the typical blue and yellow borders around doors and windows. In Sintra we visited the castle and the beautiful gardens under the expert guidance of Cristina, coordinator of this project. We also visited the coastal villages of Cascaïs and Nazaré, known for its high waves and very popular with surfers. We were also introduced to typical Portuguese dishes and Fado music. During a visit to the Fado Museum in the Alfama district, we were introduced to the history of this passionate, sometimes sad music associated with Portugal.

The coordinators of this Erasmus+ project also met to prepare for the submission of the final dossier and to arrange other administrative matters. This perfectly organized and very instructive training week ended with the presentation of the certificates. INETE's teachers gave us a fantastic experience, not only educationally but also culturally, gastronomically and socially.

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Participation in contest using Arduino by Greek school


As part of the Erasmus+ program  DIGIREDIL, during the Greek mobility, educators from the school conducted a workshop on the educational platform Arduino.The same educators utilized the produced learning materials  (presentations and worksheets) in the classroom, for the students in B class of the Computer Science sector. The students showed strong interest and expressed their desire to continue with a larger project, which was ultimately decided to be the participation of the Evening Vocational School of Giannitsa in the 4th Open Technologies Competition.

Στο πλαίσιο του προγράμματος Erasmus+ με το όνομα DIGIREDIL, κατά την ελληνική μετακίνηση,  πραγματοποιήθηκε από εκπαιδευτικούς της σχολικής μονάδας εργαστήριο πάνω στην εκπαιδευτική πλατφόρμα Arduino. Οι ίδιοι εκπαιδευτικοί αξιοποίησαν το παραγόμενο υλικό (παρουσιάσεις και φύλλα εργασίας) στην αίθουσα, στο τμήμα της Β τάξης του τομέα Πληροφορικής. Οι μαθητές έδειξαν έντονο ενδιαφέρον και εξέφρασαν την επιθυμία να συνεχίσουν με ένα μεγαλύτερο project, το οποίο τελικά αποφασίστηκε να αποτελέσει και τη συμμετοχή του Εσπερινού ΕΠΑΛ Γιαννιτσών στον 4ο Διαγωνισμό Ανοιχτών Τεχνολογιών.

(By Foteini Grammouseni)

Thursday, May 18, 2023

In school dissemination of DIGI.RE.DI.L and other Eu projects of our

In terms of celebration of the Εuropean day on the 9th of May 2023,our school presented to all of our students and teachers and to invited teachers from neighbouring schools, the activities implemented throughout the school year 2022-2023 concerning the two Erasmus+ European projects we are involved in: DIGI.RE.DIL (KA2) & Steps in line with Europe(KA1)

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Online Project meeting

 Project coordinators at partner schools met online on Webex platform one more time to monitor project progress from Lisbon LTTA and then on.Dissemination and other activites held at this period by each partner were reported ,Newsletter no5 was presented by the Portuguese partner and discussion about agenda of our last and only transnational meeting in Belgium was discussed.

Monday, April 24, 2023

Students in geology using 3-D models of Icelandic volcanos in the classroom.


We had students make different kinds of volcanoes in Iceland and they made a 3D model of the volcanoes and the surroundings.  Then we had another group of students studying  the models.  

The models are of different types of volcanoes who are created in a different volcanic eruption.


By using the model, the students can visualize each type of volcano better and understand better the formation process. 

They also had to find what kind of volcano they had and find as many they could that was the same type.

Open house in Menntaskólinn í Reykjavík


It is a tradition in our school to have an open house for expecting students and their parents. A lot of people visit, both students from elementary school that are thinking of joining our school, students that have graduated from our school but like to come for a visit and people in the local community that want to see the work we are doing here at our school. ~

Many people are curious about our school since we get a lot of attention from the public when our students are in news, in example when the Olympiad teams representing Iceland are mostly our students and we have just won a competion that was televised. Also a lot of people have ties here and want to see where their grandparents or greatgrandparents went to school. 

We used the opportunity to introduce our  project  DIGI.R.E.DI. L “Digital Readiness for European Distance Learning”  KA226 Erasmus+ project 020-1-EL01-KA226-SCH-094685.  We showed our newsletters that have been published and our 3D prints of the volcanoes. We had over 900 people visiting us that day and everyone showed a lot of interest in the project. 

Teaching students to use Chat GPT - ICELAND


Students got the assignment to answer questions related to the geology curriculum. They could use the textbook and other books from the library. After they had done this they used Chat GPT and got answers from the same questions. Then they had to compare the answers and see if Chat GPT made up new words, if the AI was as good in geology as the students.

The result was that the students could not rely entirely on Chat GPT,  sometimes the Chat GPT had wrong answers and there were a lot of strange words that we do not use in the Icelandic language so if they are going to use this program the have to have some knowledge of geology so they can see if the answer makes any sense.

The words in yellow are words we do not use in Iceland

This is an example of an incorrect answer. The question was how do a certain type of coals form and the answers describes a process that happens in volcanic settings and have nothing to do with formation of coals. 

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Dissemination acitivities from Serbian partners

Serbian regional media host DIGI.RE.DI.L  report about activities taken place during our LTTA in Lisbon. 

Using Jamboard in GO! classes

Jamboard is a digital interactive whiteboard developed by Google to work with Google Workspace. This educational tool is used in the OK! classes so that the pupils can see at what level they will be working and whether they have completed their weekly plans for different subjects. 

Based on what the students have of prior knowledge about the themes that will be offered in the various subjects in the coming week, they learn to estimate themselves as Egg, Turtle or Ninja (different levels) together with the teachers. Each level has an entrance ticket for a series of assignments. The Jamboard of the first grade OK! classes works with color codes that indicate whether or not the student has completed the weekly plans for the subjects.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Inschool teacher's training in Tinkercad and Tello - dji

In February 8th 2023, a trainning workshop was held in our school. Teachers were trained in Tinkercad and 3d printing (1st session) as well as in drones' programming (2nd session). This seminar was realized in terms of in school dissemination for our Erasmus+ KA226 project DIGIREDIL. All participants were very pleased and satisfied to aquire new knowlegde that could adjust to their subjects.

Short description: 

In the fisrt session the participants were trainned in the designing program TINKERCAD and then they individualy completed a task in it. In the meantime a 3d printed object was created in our 3d printer.

During the 2nd session the Greek and European frame of use for drones was presented. Moreover uses of drones were presented in different scientific fields. After the theoritical part the participants flew manually in the first part and by programming in the second part our school's educational drones Tello dji .

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Arduino workshop in Greece

 During the hosting week in our school ,a workshop was held in the school's laboratory, where the teachers worked in groups to build and program a simple Arduino circuit that simulated the operation of a traffic light. The teaching material was posted on the official Greek school platform “e-class”. After a brief introductory presentation the participants built the circuit using the Tinkercad software,which can also be used in distance learning, and then using the appropriate commands they programmed the circuit. Then they were given a working sheet with instructions and a box containing all the necessary components. Working in mixed nationality groups they built the actual circuit and loaded the program they had already created with Tinkercad.

Short video 

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Menntaskólinn í Reykjavík: Use of 3D printer in Geology

 The use of 3D printer offers lot of possibilities in teaching. Our school has bought printers and they have been used in different subjects. Here I will show you how we have used them in geology.

We had students look at different kinds of volcanoes in Iceland and they made a 3D model of the volcanoes and the surroundings. The students worked in groups of 3 students and in their work they had to made the design of the volcanoes in the right scale, in that part of the work they had to use maps so it required them to have some skills in map reading and interpreting what information you get from maps. Then they had to use a computer program to make a drawing of the volcanoes that could then be used to print out the model of the volcanoes. After printing the volcanos were painted to reflect the vegetation or the average snow coverage during the summer months.

This project has been useful in training the students in using maps, using their computer skills and given them a greater understanding of how they different types volcanoes in Iceland differ in shapes. This will also benefit future students since the models of the volcanoes will be used in geology classes when discussing volcanoes in Iceland.

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